How To Use Your Rosacea Diary
Rosacea is a chronic and often relapsing disorder that can be effectively controlled by following the medical therapy your doctor prescribes and eliminating lifestyle factors that may aggravate your condition or cause flare-ups of signs and symptoms.
Identifying those factors, however, is an individual process. What may cause a reaction in one patient may not in another. Your rosacea diary includes a daily checklist of the most common factors that trigger rosacea flare-ups in various patients, and allows space to list other factors that may affect your individual condition. It has been developed to help you identify and avoid those factors that trigger or aggravate signs and symptoms in your individual case.
Use this diary every day over at least two weeks — or for days when you experience a flare-up. Complete the form at the end of each day. Then look for items that seem to coincide with your rosacea flare-ups, and eliminate them wherever possible. If eliminating these factors minimizes your flare-ups, you have probably identified the trigger factors you should avoid to help keep your rosacea under control.
In surveys of rosacea patients who identified and avoided their personal rosacea triggers, more than 90 percent reported that their condition had improved.